Lying About Your Age On Online Dating Sites

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Is ok however the majority of women on that site are from San Antonio, Tx. Evidently I'm taking a break and specializing in me. 45 yr old male rig mover odessa texas dating. (Is not that what plenty of ladies do?) Anyway whenever I feel able to date again, you the net sites I would prefer are or Zoosk.

Um, no, not so much. 13 sofka I was on match for several years a while back and I had an interesting experience. In the name of honesty, I was planning on putting up a couple of really good photos, some average ones and some not so great ones but then I think it was actually Evan that says somewhere that this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, so I just went with the good ones (was this Evan, or am I thinking of some rival dating guru?!).

The ability to get away with lying about your age in online dating is scary, and it happens a lot. People can provide any number they choose, photos can be deceiving or site users can post old. What Is Kittenfishing? The Latest Dating Problem Has Likely Happened To You. Like lying about your height or your age — or maybe you're just. Or love through online dating sites have to be.

The odds are stacked Jenga-like against us. What are the chances of two compatible people turning up in the same place at the same time? Internet dating is meant to tip those odds in our favour — and it can work, of course it can.

So, that research study needs to be more specific and supported by, a real scientific study. Second point, another 'study'? Well, I am sure that some people that use dating sites are there only for sex. I guess that are no studies to mesure this, right? I believe that most of the people is there for dating, and of course, sex is the middle part of the online dating. You start a chat with a person, or many persons, you keep chating so you grow the relationship (online), you see if that she/he fits in your requirements, if yes you keep going till you meet that person, and that could take one day, could take a week, a month or year, depending on many factors, if not, you skip it and go to another online dater, and in the middle of all this, of course there is the sex!

Put up real pictures of yourself. Then see what happens. You’ll get less volume, but I guarantee you’ll get more curious people because you’ll only get people who actually want to go out with you because they’ll see that your age is 52. Or if you’re 44 and think 39 is the threshold, put 44. You’ll get a guy that actually wants to go out with you because of your real age and what you really look like today.

Both men and women wonder then what else you might be not telling the truth about. And with all of the press that the small percentage of folks at the quality dating sites doing catfishing, singles are hyper vigilante right now about “the truth.” But if you’re looking for a hookup and not seeking a LTR/Life Partner relationship potentially, then lying in your profile doesn’t have the same importance. Certain metro areas with big Acting communities in them (LA, NY, LV) all have a ton of pressure about age vs. So much so that it was a running joke in “Hot in Cleveland” about how the girls were always lying about their ages in LA because of the age bias there. What metro area are you in, may I ask? Happy Dating and Relationships, April. Older Blog Posts • (2) • (15) • (7) • (2) • (2) • (1) • (1) • (1) • (2) • (4) • (5) • (1) • (1) • (3) • (1) • (2) • (2) • (5) • (1) • (1) • (1) • (3) • (1) • (2) • (1) • (1) • (1) • (3) • (5) • (1) • (1) • (2) • (11) • (16) • (20) • (2) • (7) • (11) • (3) • (11) • (20) • (22) • (8) • (9) • (29) • (29) • (25) • (1) • (5) • (1) • (3) • (4) • (20) • (18) • (1) • (5) • (3) • (15) • (24) • (6) • (4) • (2) • (9) • (18) • (25) • (18) • (4) • (4) • (21) • (27) • (3) • (6) • (13) • (15) • (3) • (1) • (1) • (1) • (13) • (21) • (14).

It’s actually amazing how much personal information people actually post. I would not put too much confidential data up there. View More Comments: 1.

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I’ve told all the men I met in person my real age on the first date. They’ve all gone out with me again and have said to me (when questioned) they would not have found me on-line if I had used my real age because they set their upper limit age search criteria at 45. I rest my case.

And men do this across the board. I met another guy who had photos that must have been 3 or 4 years old. I think people just start to get jaded Why don’t the dating sites just reject photos older than a year, etc? Or explicitly suggest a headshot and a full body shot, so people who are new to navigating those things have a better idea of what to select? I didn’t feel it was a huge waste of time for me, because I never paid for anything.